
A. N. Stetzl relishes in being caught in the rain and that she still has the ability to feel it. She is silly putty that has lost its container, but has seemingly managed to never dried up. Some things that shouldn’t inform your thoughts on her writing (but maybe they do): she is married, in her thirties, bisexual, and would like to retire in Scotland with a house full of cats. The only form of music she isn’t fond of is country (minus a few ear worms) and she dislikes writing about herself in third person so we’ll leave it at that.

If you asked a group of people about their first impressions of me I would guess that they would say words like sassy, outgoing, overwhelming, loud, creative, caring, open-minded, and emotional. I’d say that I am a little like cake mix: open to interpretation and disruption, but mindful of the outcome.

Some other potential insights into the formation of my mind: I have been to more funerals than most people my age, always have a few projects on the go, take forever to fall asleep, and have been known to read obituaries. Came full circle there didn’t we?